Developing your customer-centric web experience

75% of users admit to judging a brand’s credibility based on its website design

Modern web design goes beyond creating a visually appealing website. It is essential to consider user experience, search engine optimization, ease-of-use, and technical details when designing a website that will perform in today’s competitive market.

In other words, if your website just looks great but doesn’t satisfy the visitor’s expectations or can’t even be found through Google, you’ll be one of the only visitors it gets.

Web Design Services

Specialized in the development of WordPress sites, I can improve the user experience and your conversion rate with the following services.

Landing pages

I create landing pages for businesses in diverse industries, using proven online marketing strategies to compel your visitors to take action like subscribing or purchasing.

It’s crucial to have a well-designed landing page to grow your brand. Optimizing landing pages through effective design improves the average conversion rate of 2.35% to 40%.

I’ve built dozens of landing pages throughout my career and can help you improve leads and convert more customers.

Website Audit

Sometimes, it is more practical to modify an existing website rather than completely rebuild it.

In that situation, I’m providing a detailed overview of what negatively impacts your site’s performance and user experience. This comprehensive report includes:

  • How well your website gets indexed by search engines
  • Uncovering potential in your internal link structure
  • Identifying duplicate content and on-page SEO issues
  • Discovering pages returning 4XX and 5XX status codes
  • Evaluating page load speed and how to increase it

Routine website audits are essential for ranking higher in SERPs, maintaining search positions on top-performing landing pages, and driving more organic traffic.

Website Redesign

Redesigning your site is necessary if it doesn’t use responsive design, isn’t converting, takes longer than three seconds to load, or experiences dips in search engine performance.

Specializing in WordPress installations which make up 35% of all websites on the internet, I’m creating a blueprint or a so-called “low-fidelity wireframe” and later on a “high-fidelity wireframe” to finalize the new layout and user experience with you upon starting with development.

Maintenance and Support

With launching a new website redesign, you can opt-in for my website maintenance & support service.

This service will guarantee your new webpage remains updated with the latest patches, the database stays optimized and clean, and its security against attacks is provided and monitored 24/7.

You also receive monthly Google Analytics reports with detailed metrics about the site and search engine performance, plus professional advice on how to stay on top.

Ready to start creating and grow your audience?

3 Reasons to Outsource Your Web Design

Programming Experience

15 years Experience

I’ll boost your website performance and visibility in search engines with more than 15 years of experience in WordPress, SEO, HTML, and CSS.

Quick Results

By exchanging wireframes, I provide an efficient design workflow and guarantee the final product looks exactly how we discussed it.

Continued Success

After the redesign, I make sure your website remains up-to-date, high-ranked on search engines, and safe against outside attacks.

Don’t just take my word

Ready to start creating and grow your audience?